The problem of gender imbalance in computing is very real and very difficult to solve. The factors that lead to this state of affairs are not easily discerned, but we do have some idea what a few of them might be, for example cultural perceptions about women’s abilities in STEM which become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The Nairobi ACM-W Chapter started in 2024 as part of preparation to host the Second ACM Celebration of Women in Computing in Africa (AfricaCWIC 2024). We will continue to exist as a chapter whose main aim is to boost the participation and inclusion of women in the field of computing. This spans the whole range of levels of computing, from undergraduate studies to entry level positions to the senior positions, both in academia and in industry. We will tackle stereotypes and gender-based discrimination, among other barriers that women face in computing as well as other scientific fields. We call on all like minded persons to helps us achieve parity for women in computing, not only to close the gender gap, but to make room for women so that no one is left out as we tackle the most pressing challenges facing humanity today.